Welcome to Sacramento’s Active 20-30 Club

What is Active 20-30?

We are a group of like-minded young men between the ages of 20-39 who volunteer to improve the lives of underprivileged youth in Sacramento, and we make lasting friendships along the way. We offer a welcoming environment for all members, with many networking opportunities and social outings to engage our membership and prolong our mission. 

The Active 20-30 Club was founded in Sacramento back in 1922 and has grown to an international scale of similar chapters all with the same mission of helping the youth in our communities. 

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Who do we help? Why should I join?


Listen to our Podcast "Standing Tall"


Our mission

Active 20-30 US & Canada provides young adults with an opportunity for personal growth, friendships and leadership development while improving the quality of life for the children in their community.

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